How to Pick a Real Estate Dispute Attorney in San Diego
Whichever side of a real estate deal you happen to be on, you should engage with a lawyer who knows all the ins and outs of such a transaction. It can be a very litigious business. Knowing that you have a capable real estate dispute lawyer on your side from the beginning can help ensure a less time-consuming and expensive legal battle down the road. Take it from an experienced San Diego real estate dispute attorney. Our firm has seen all the many types of issues that can arise.
What a Good Real Estate Dispute Attorney San Diego Should Be Knowledgeable In
Any type of real estate transaction can run into legal issues; it’s especially true with commercial real estate. Here in San Diego and its surrounding area, we see a lot of commercial real estate activity all the time. Developers, buyers, and sellers must rely on their real estate lawyer in case of disputes, which frequently arise at all stages of the transaction. Here are a few of the areas a good real estate lawyer can handle for you to avoid costly disputes:
onstruction contracts: they can be exceptionally challenging. Legal questions and challenges occur frequently in contractor agreements and other legal documents. A good real estate dispute attorney San Diego can assist in resolving:
Construction defect disputes
Delay claims
Unfulfilled obligations from vendors
So much more
Drafting an airtight contract or agreement should be uppermost in your mind, on either side of the transaction. Should problems occur, then a good real estate attorney should be able to negotiate solutions agreeable to all parties.
Defective construction, defective plans and specifications: too often, commercial real estate owners and Homeowner Associations (HOAs) are left holding the bag with substandard or incomplete work on a project. Your real estate dispute lawyer should be able to maximize whatever recovery you’re entitled to legally; at the same time, they will manage the cost of litigation on your behalf.
The development approval process: it gets more complicated every year. Developer agreements, seemingly endless permit submittals, financial partners and their own legal counsel can all create obstacles. This requires an experienced real estate lawyer with dispute resolution skills to assist in navigating these often murky waters. The best strategy is to identify and circumvent issues before they become litigation hazards and traps. Sometimes, the client has done their best but still finds themselves in the middle of a lawsuit. That’s where an expert real estate dispute attorney San Diego becomes absolutely essential.
Zoning approvals, entitlements, permits: we’ve mentioned the maze of red tape that often comes along with many land development and real estate transactions. Often, an entire project or acquisition can spin off the rails due to issues and delays pertaining to these bureaucratic complexities. The right real estate attorney in San Diego and the surrounding area will stay up-to-date on the latest requirements and be able to find creative solutions to roadblocks and disputes that come along in this complicated arena.
Owner-builder/contractor disputes: we’ve touched on the importance of protecting one’s self as an owner-builder by having all legal documents checked for clarity and thoroughness to avoid disputes during or at the close of a project. Even with a fine-tooth comb approach, there remain times when disputes emerge between the two or more parties involved in a construction contract. That’s the time when you need to be sure you have legal counsel on your side that can work to resolve all issues in your best interest. A capable real estate dispute attorney San Diego is crucial in these instances.
Some Attributes of an Excellent Real Estate Dispute Attorney
Make sure the firm or lawyer you choose to work with is a qualified real estate dispute attorney. They should be able to provide you with a track record of both successful litigation and examples of how it was successfully avoided. A jack-of-all-trades lawyer or firm may be fine for some situations, but when there are complex legal issues on the table, with a large real estate deal at stake, you want to have the best possible legal counsel you can get. From property acquisition to litigation, our attorneys at Stryker Slev have 50-plus years of combined experience.
A good commercial real estate lawyer in San Diego, and the rest of California, focuses on commercial real estate law, commercial real estate litigation, and all other commercial real estate-related issues. That’s how you know you’ll get the best possible result from your chosen law firm in the event of a real estate dispute. At StrykerSlev Law Group, you can count on us for due diligence regarding all of your real estate dispute needs.
We mentioned that real estate law in California is in a continual state of evolution. Regulations, processes, forms, contracts — all these aspects are constantly getting updated and ever more complex.
Your lawyer needs to be aware of the latest in commercial real estate. That’s the best way to ensure the least amount of delay, complication and red tape in a commercial real estate transaction or project. Seek maximum effectiveness and efficiency from your real estate dispute attorney. At Stryker Slev Law Group, our attorneys stay up to date so that you don’t have to.
A Long-term Relationship
If you are in the commercial real estate arena for the long-term, think about a firm you can partner with and use as a resource over the long haul. This type of reliability and consistency will really pay off. You have one call to make, versus seeking out new legal counsel with every real estate project or issue that comes up. Hire an attorney you can return to again and again.
Engaging with the right real estate dispute attorney in San Diego can make the difference between having a project that falls through with loose ends, and a project that meets your needs with reliable contractors and in-depth legal agreements. While our lawyers at Stryker Slev Law Group primarily focus on commercial real estate, we also have experience handling other cases, including high-end homes and residential developments. Whether you have questions about your own home or are interested in a multi-unit building, we are available to provide the legal assistance you need.